poniedziałek, 13 grudnia 2021

Przepisy rankingowe FIDE 2022

 Od 1 stycznia 2022 roku zaczną obowiązywać nowe przepisy odnośnie tytułów i rankingu:

Spis przepisów (w tym i stare) są na stronie FIDE https://handbook.fide.com/ 


Rate of Play stare Rate of Play nowe (2022)
1.1   For a game to be rated each player must have the following minimum periods in which to complete all the moves, assuming the game lasts 60 moves.
Where at least one of the players in the game has a rating 2200 or higher, each player must have a minimum of 120 minutes.
Where at least one of the players in the game has a rating 1600 or higher, each player must have a minimum of 90 minutes.
Where both of the players in the game are rated below 1600, each player must have a minimum of 60 minutes.
1.1     For a game to be rated each player must at the start of the tournament have the following minimum periods in which to complete all the moves, assuming the game lasts 60 moves.
Where at least one of the players in the game has a rating of 2400 or higher, each player must have a minimum of 120 minutes.
Where at least one of the players in the game has a rating 1800 or higher, each player must have a minimum of 90 minutes.
Where both of the players in the game are rated below 1800, each player must have a minimum of 60 minutes.
1.2   Where a certain number of moves is specified in the first time control, it shall be 40 moves. 1.2    Where a certain number of moves is specified in the first time control, it shall be at least 30 moves.

Czyli nastąpiło przyspieszenie gry co powoduje możliwość uczestnictwa silniejszych zawodników w lokalnych turniejach. Ranking 2200 przy 90 minutach przeznaczone na grę był dużą blokadą.